A very merry Christmas...

    Thursday, January 7

    It may be 2010 as i write this but the belated sentiments are still just as heartfelt. I hope everyone had a really good Christmas. There`s loads of people i missed not seeing, definitely strange not being in the UK, and doubly strange by the fact it was 30 plus degrees in temperature. My Christmas morning was spent applying suncream instead of opening presents.
    We`d left Bangkok the night of the 23rd and watched `Shooter` as we hurtled towards `Thong Sala` and our boat transfer to Samui. Samui was never really on my Thailand agenda it just seemed logical to stick with Will seeing as i was staying with him in Ko Phangan at new year. It was alright, it`s a very holiday resorty place, plus it was soo expensive relative to my budget. We had a really funny Christmas eve at mango bar and then Christmas day decided to have a BBQ at the hostel with a bunch of people. We said to everyone to get there own meat at the local tescos (yep, Tesco!) and then we`d cook it all together later on that day.

    We decided i was the least hungover of the 2 of us so i got the designated driver position and Will would act as the trunk and carry the shopping. We borrowed this motorbike from rich, the hotel owner, and it really was the worst bike u could imagine. The engine backfired all the time, you had to keep the revs above a certain level at all times to stop it from just cutting out. So when returning you can only imagine how ridiculous it was to have me fighting with this bike with crates of chang beer between my legs and Will dangling on the back with bags of shopping for the meal... truly a surreal moment for the start of Christmas, and a day that didn`t actually get any less strange as we continued to have this huge barbecue with an ever increasing party size and eventually ending it with us all heading down to the beach to carry on partying for the night.

    I`ve gotta say despite my enthusiasm for Koh Samui the memory of lying on the beach looking into the sky with hundreds of the large lanterns being let off and then having fireworks going off around them is for sure one of the most memorable pictures i`ve seen in the past 6 months.

    Not like i took any pictures of any of it after making the STUPID decision to leave my camera back at the hotel.