After the very angry start to Bangkok, i had a sleep, got showered and calmed down a bit. I`ve got to admit i really enjoyed the place. I`d been told it`s a real love it or hate it sort of city and i`ll be making another 2 stops there before leaving Thailand, so there`s definitely a chance of it changing. As for now though i`m firmly in the former camp. It`s by far the single most touristy place i`ve been to, Koh san road particularly, but there`s a real cool vibe here, and i know that`s a really crappy sentiment but it`s true. There`s a passion for fashion, everyone`s busy doing things and there`s plenty of nice cafes and bars to hang out in. That`s not to say it doesn`t turn seedy as the sun sets because it really does. Everyone is asking if you want to go to a ping pong show, ladyboys roam the streets on mass. But it`s so flamboyant, so theatrical you almost can`t take it serious and that somehow takes away the threat from the place, if that makes any sense.
We spent one of the days at cankaunjing, ka ka cajuggycug, kakycan... i have no idea what the market was called. It was big and started with a K (maybe a `C`). Big is a gross understatement, this thing is gigantic. We spent six hours here purely in the clothes section, and never even backtracked once. I ended up replacing all my t-shirts for a fraction of the cost of my original selection, plus this means i might actually have photos of me not always in the same top from now on.
Another of our excursions took us to the giant Buddha, which is, well....big i guess. The day after we did the royal palace and surrounding area, which i really did enjoy and for the final day we booked tickets to go see some muay Thai boxing.
We`d gone on `Championship Tuesday` so the headline act was a pretty big fight. We drank and shouted at either of the fighters just for a laugh and had a proper good night. The locals get into it so much, and the fighters respond by kicking the hell out of one another. 5 rounds, 3 minutes each. One fight, a guy got cut up so badly that by round 4 both were absolutely covered in this one guys blood, it was like that scene from carrie. The headline act wasn`t even the best fight but it didn`t matter as by the time it finished and the stadium began to clear me and will jumped in the ring for a round of our own, this before security had the chance to chuck us out :D
Markets called Chatuchak, just in case u wanted to know
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