"Beads..... I need beads!!"

    Friday, April 16

    You should of seen Will go for them. He was like a kid who'd eaten a bag of blue smarties... i'd never seen him like so happy.

    We arrived to Mobile in good time (1 - 0 to speeding), dumped the bags and pretty much went straight out into the thick of it. It was truly insane the way the town had converted to basically an enormous street party, every balcony had people throwing beads down to the bead loving crowds (Will included), while every bar was packed to bursting point with people so far past the point of drunk i have no words to describe them.
    I went to grab us a few beers as a means to try and catch up with the locals, only to come back and see Will looking something like a very camp Mr T. We had those, had a few more, and then a few more again... then the world became somewhat blurrier, i think i got chatting with a bunch of people in one bar. We definetly went to the night parade as i have pictures to prove it but the rest is undocumented and i awoke in the motel with both my camera and wallet, so all in all. Result.

    [100% going doing the Mardi Gras properly in the coming years]