Dawn of the Dead

    Wednesday, December 16

    "Siem Reap" or more importantly the base station for exploring the Angkor Wat temples started pretty badly. We`d spent 6 hours on the bus from Phnom penh and arrived at midday in the city, Lauren who had started the day feeling pretty badly had got progressively worse, so much so that by the time we got to the hotel she was ready to collapse. I`d been looking forward to angkor wat so much in the planning of this trip, that it was probably the single thing i was most looking forward to within south east Asia, so the fact that it looked like Lauren was going to be bed bound for at least a day completely sucked, we could only really afford 3 days here as we still had it planned to do Laos and get to the full moon party for new year, so not being able to do it all together was a bit of a kick to the gut.
    The morning came and Lauren was worse than the previous day, we had no real option but to carry on. We decided to skip some of the bigger ones, leaving them for when Lauren was better.
    First stop was "the Bayon" a fairly small ruin known more for the face sculptures rather than it`s size... i`d like to pretend i can remember about anything i read of this but i think it`d be pretty obvious i would be copying and pasting from wikipedia. Because of that here`s the related link for your reading pleasure.

    After a few more stops we got to the so called "tomb raider temple" which was used during the filming of the said movie. This one was outstanding, tress had completely taken over parts of the walls and you could follow roots through one wall to another and again as it went downwards into alleyways. It was like being a big kid, with the lure to scrambling over the rocks impossible to resist. We had arrived at sunset as well which gave off some amazing light as it shone through all the open cracks, really magical place.

    The next days and Lauren was still no better, she`d been bed bound since arriving now and hadn`t seen as far as outside the bedroom walls. I felt awful that we were carrying on without her especially as she`s the exact sort of person you`d want around for the this type of thing.
    This day we did the larger of the 2 loops, taking in some of the further afield sites. We also decided this time to stop by the actually `angkor wat` and take the time to explore that. By the time the day was through we`d done all the major temples and felt fairly templed out.
    Day 3 and the final day of our passes, emma had done enough of pretending to be Indiana Jones and opted for a day on facebook instead, Lauren who was still ill had to just stay in the room once again, and so it was left to me and Will, who decided the best thing to do would be to buy a bag of beers and go get a comfortable spot on one of the temples, maybe not the most respectful thing in retrospect but we just chilled and chatted and eventually watched the sunset before returning.

    Lauren was now back on her feet, not exactly what you`d call full health but she was set on seeing things the following day. She`d offered to pay for me to extend my pass by a day if i`d show her around, which to be fair i was more than happy to do. We started early-ish to try and get as much in as possible, but off the bat i could tell she wasn`t well enough to be doing it. We went through temple after temple, lauren`s mood getting slightly worse by the minute, i felt bad as i could tell she was really struggling but at the same time she was getting very irritable .
    On top of this the zombie children where out in force. Usually you can have a bit of a laugh with them, smile, hide from them, and it`s all taken in jest. Will`s amazing at it, but at this one point i got caught off guard on my own. Lauren had gone off to the toilet or something and a little 8 year girl sprung out from nowhere "you want a fridge magnet" "no thank you" "one dollar" "nah, no thanks" "one dollar" "(ignore) "fridge magnet, one dollar" What am i going to do with a fridge magnet?" "one dollar" "i don`t even own a fridge" "one dollar" "one dollar" [all this delivered in a single tone moan, hence the `zombie children` name] "one dollar" "no, sorry but i have absolutely no use for a fridge magnet and in no way in the world am i going to buy one..very sorry"........................................"one dollar" (arghhhhhhhhh)


    Hal said...

    Fridge magnet?
    One dollar.

    Unknown said...

    Hi Richard! As promised my long awaited comment :). I have finally been able to catch up with your blog after lack of being able to read it at work and also I dont really get much use of the laptop when he is around :P.
    Anyways your trips sound amazing! Tubing looks brill and soooo much fun I would love to do that. Oh and swimming with the glow in the dark plankton that must have been amazing too. I hope Lauren is better now, its horrid being ill in hot amazing places.
    We have just finished eating our Christmas dinner, as ever lots of lovely food and your mum still wants to feed me!! I cant I will burst :P! Anyway, I hope you have had a brill day and we have all missed you here today. Your Dad is off for his Turkey butty! Where does it go! Speak to you soon. xxxx