The missing days

    Saturday, October 3

    This place really is feeling like home now, the last few days have been amazing... i get to wake up in this hostel, grab breakfast and eat it in the courtyard, in the the sun, then walk out in flip flops and shorts listening to whatever play list i choose for the day

    The summer palace was/is huge, we didn't do be honest i don't think we even did half, but the weather had been cleared of pollution, which was a first for Beijing, and we were treated to views that others had said where impossible over the past weeks, so it was nice to know we were seeing it at its best.
    I don't even know what i did at the nights as these days have blended into one.

    I think the day after a few of us decided to rent bikes and hit the streets. We stopped by the temple of heaven where i also bumped into Adam and Ally which was the couple i mentioned from the boat and we also rode past the Preparations for national day at Tia'men square. I got pulled into some ping pong game, i got a shave off some guy in the street (who i've gotta add had the thickest glasses i've ever laid eyes on) and enjoyed a beer on the edge of the lake.

    Granted this isn't the most exciting entry to date but the days haven't exactly had structure as of late and i've been taking less and less photos recently so my source for remembering things has dried up
    It's national day tomorrow so maybe i'll have something slightly more cohesive to write then...


    Hal said...

    That little girl said hallo to you, and you just ignored her.

    I hate you.