Final Goodbyes

    Thursday, August 20

    I'd spent the last 3 weeks in the pocket of them 2 and now as i pull away from Gandia Station it feels like i've left a massive part of my home life at that platform. Apart from a moment at work when i nearly went, this was the first time emotion kinda got the better of me. Obviously not to there faces, that would of resulted in years of ridicule but i just stared out the window speeding towards Valencia finding it hard to hold back the tears. At work i was in a rush, i still had things to do, your head doesn't have to deal with it, now i've got no option but to sit here and think of the things/people i´ll miss.
    I wanted this to sound like a thank you post but i fear it'll end up sounding like a teenage love letter so i'll keep it short, Basically thanks to everyone reading this, thanks to Mervin for putting us up and a massive thanks to Sam and Lance for not only putting up with me but for being two of the best friends i could wish for.
    Now it's just me, this book, this pen and single flight out of here!


    Weaver said...

    You know how i know?

    thought i'd say it before u do Lance :D

    Hal said...

    Man up you big gaylord!

    Mr Beast said...

    Yeah! Quit with the tears bitch!

    Weaver said...

    yeah actually that sounds well gay reading back.... sorry :D

    Mr Beast said...

    And so you should be!
    Boo hoo - i dont have to work for nearly a year, boohoo, i managed to save shed loads of money with my uber sponge skills - boohoo i have to travel the globe going to really exciting places most people can never dream of seeing - boo bloody hoo!