Ok packed! It's nearly a week away before i actually lug it on my back and set off but i've got no other free night now until then so it had to be last night. If anyone has stumbled on this i honestly don't know if this is the right amount of stuff to pack. It's just what i'm taking. It's based on a whole bunch of books and websites so hopefully it's all stuff i'll need and won't be to heavy.
Worryingly little when you put it in a video like that. lol. See list below for overview.
Lock and key, Berghaus Backpack, t-shirts x 3, long sleeve t-shirts x 2, Chequered shirt, Underpants x 3, Shorts x 2, Socks x 4, Micro Fleece, Flip flop, Buff Neckerchief, Converse Trainers, Waterproof Kag, Swiss army knife, Mosquito net, Sleeping bag liner, Plug Adapter, First aid kit, Travel Towel, Mosquito repellent, Toilet bag, Zip bags for tablets, Sunscreen, Sink stopper, Chargers, Day pack, Moleskin Journal, 2 pens, glue stick, Lonely planet book, Lumix +case, Canon EOS 450 +case, Hard Drive 250gb, SDHC Cards x 6 8gb, Ipod touch 8gb, Paper wallet (document)
You forgot your peanuts and baby oil Weaver Monkey ; )
Did you spend more time making that video or packing? :P
@Paul video :(
Cool video mate,
Oi!!! lazy boy, i thought you were on your first leg now? get posting from your phone or something ; )
phone test
Great Video dude. I hear from your fajar your in Rome. Ive just popped round to pick up that exquisite art work youve done.
I gave your parents my mobile and home number if they need someone to rush out of the country to be like Liam Neeson in Taken.
Anyways hope you are doing well and having a good time.
hey wea...... go get me a can....
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