Itinerary set! (ish)

    Tuesday, June 16

    Only 7 weeks to go now, or 49 days if that makes it sound closer, or even 70,560 mins which for some reason makes it sound ages away, and I’ll be somewhere other than the UK.
    This is the first proper post and will hopefully be followed up with a few others until going away. With actual flights booked and dates set I think it’s probably safe to start saying what I’m doing and where I’m going.

    My original plan was to finish work on the 4th of August, have a day or two resting up and fly out on the Thursday directly to Japan. But as is always the case plans change and I’m now spending the first 2 and a half weeks with friends going through Europe with us ending in Madrid and then flying onto my original destination from there. This new plan means getting a train from Manchester to London on the Tuesday I leave work, staying with friends that night, having a full day in the city center and then heading off to Rome on the Thursday morning. Somehow two days of relaxing has now turned into two days of catching trains and planes and a day in one of the busiest capitals in the world… Saying that I’m really looking forward to this first little leg in Europe, it’ll be nice doing something with friends for the last time in a while plus it’s much easier navigating around and it’s a continent I hadn’t planned on really travelling through on this trip. We’re hoping to stop in Pisa and maybe Turin, Monaco, Barcelona, Valencia. Nothing’s really been planned apart from a few nights in Rome so it’s really just wherever we decide to take the train.
    From there as I said I get a plane to Tokyo, 3 nights there at k’s house hostel ( , a couple of days around the outskirts of Tokyo and then onto my first sort of long stint which will be 10 days at the tour club hostel in Kyoto (

    Truthfully that’s everything I’ve booked up to now. It doesn't sound like a lot now after re-reading what i've just wrote, especially since I’ve still got to purchase the JP rail pass as well as the interrail passes for the Europe bit plus I haven’t yet got insurance and I haven’t bought any clothing/backpack or any medical supplies etc.
    The next couple of weeks are going to involve plenty of that stuff so I’ll keep it updated on here as to where I’m up to.


    p.s I promise it’ll (hopefully) get more interesting (and longer) when I actually set off… 70,545 mins ;)


    Katie-Anne said...

    ohmygod, miss you already loser - by the way you forgot to mention your first and most awesome destination which will be the dammmmmmmm in t minus 3 days!! ooohh yes excited! xxx

    p.s. get used to my comments on here!

    Weaver said...

    i kinda have a feeling it might just be me and you speaking on this thing for the next year :D

    thanks though xx